Monday, November 9, 2009

Family Ties

How many of you have ever lost a family member?? It sucks and is something that is really hard to go through.However, the older I get the more I realize that losing a family member doesn't necessarily mean that someone dies. It can simply mean that someone decides to drop you from their lives. You've spent your entire life calling them family,spent every Thanksgiving and Christmas with them,and suddenly they're gone from your life?
It simply amazes me how someone can cut family out of their life like that. Something happens and they decide they don't want to be family anymore.No more phone calls,no more visits,no more celebrating good news with them....just nothing. Simply a person that used to be there for you and spend time with you.Oh well I may just be dragging on about something nobody cares about.
But I do make a promise to myself in light of this. I promise that from now on....after I get married until the day I die.....I WILL make time for Family. They will remain a huge part of my life as they have been for 18 years now. No husband,no boyfriend, or friend is gonna tear me apart from them. I will make time to visit family,to call family,to spend time with family...including crazy aunts that have always been crazy :b I love my family and I'm thankful for the ones that have remained a big part of my life.

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